When you buy Jamon, you will come across 3 labels. We would like to share a simple guide to understand what each one means and what information should be included.
As with any product, the front label is not only for providing the main information including the product's name and brand but also for advertising slogans. In the case of our jamón, you will find "Reduced salt content" (Contenido reducido en sal), "No additives" (Sin aditivos) and "Natural ripening in the fresh air" (Curación natural).
Here you can also find the indication "Hembra" on the front of the label, which means that the jamón is from a female pig. The vast majority of good jamons are from females.
You will find the information required for each product on the back of the label. It is mainly about the composition - in our case only jamon and salt and nutritional values (there you can see that our jamon has only 1.65 g of salt per 100 g).
The ellipse contains the manufacturer's sanitary number. The affixed white label contains the weight of the ham, the date of minimum consumption and the date of dispatch from the warehouse in Spain.
According to the label on the hoof, it is possible to clearly determine from which pig the jamon is made. However, two figures are the most interesting: the weight of the jamon before processing and the date on which the jamon started processing.
The date is in year-week format. In our case, 16-10 means that the jamon began to dry in the 10th week of 2016 (note: this is a label on the hoof of an 18-month-old jamon, so the drying time and weight before drying are correct).